Patch Notes for the Beta

Hello Everyone!

The Beta/Play Test is coming closer and closer and Today we want to share the Patch Notes for you.


  • Revamped the Complete Main Menu HUD
  • Revamped the Complete Options HUD
  • Added a Health Warning before the Game loads into the Menu
  • Added 2 Sub Layer Levels to Level 0
  • Added a New Death Screen
  • Added a Lobby where the Player can select the Level, the Difficulty and more
  • Added a Saving System


  • Removed 1 Entity from Level 0 because of the Stamina System
  • Added Spawn Points for the Ladder in Level 0
  • Added Spawn Points for the Key in Level 1
  • Removed Night Time from Level 1
  • Removed 1 Entity from Level 1 – Parking Garage
  • Added an Exit to the Parking Garage which Opens once you turned all Valves on
  • Made the Stamina Bar Invisible
  • Added an Heavy Breathing Sound when you ran out of Stamina
  • Removed all Breathing Sounds from the Player
  • Added Death Sounds to the Smiler
  • Removed the News Screen from the Menu HUD


  • Added a Better Mesh to the Smiler Entity
  • Fixed an Issue that caused to not Load into the Level
  • Fixed an Issue that caused the Game to crash when Opening the Gamemode Select Screen
  • Fixed an Issue that caused the Game to Lag when entering the Parking Garage
  • Fixed an Issue with the Stamina Progress Bar
  • Fixed an Issue that caused the Player Camera to be very low, Now the Player can see more and has a More Realistic Feel