Changes Coming to the Full Release

Hello everyone!

The Playtest is now over and here are the Changes we will do before we will release the game.
Thanks again to everyone who participated in the Beta and gived us Feedback.
The Changes are based on your Feedback you gave us.


  • To avoid confusion, Sub Layer levels will unlocked after the Main Story
  • We will add Notes to the Lobby Buttons to know which Button does what
  • We will fix an Issue that is causing when selecting a Level, it will not recognis that you selected a Level
  • We will change the Flashlight Light Material and also change the Flashlight Hotkey from T to F
  • We will add an Flashlight Turn On and Off Sound
  • We will add an Controls Menu in the Settings Menu
  • We will change some Tiles in Level 0
  • We are aware of an Issue that the Level 0 Monster cant pass between the Pitfalls. We will fix this with the Full Release
  • We will add an Option to turn on a VHS Effect and to disable it
  • We will add an Hotkey that shows a Progressbar on which Status your Stamina is
  • We will fix the Sound Effects Option Slider
  • We will reduce the Character Run Speed a little bit
  • We will reduce the Level 0 Entity Chase Speed a little bit
  • We will revamp Level 1. When the Full Version Releases, the Smiler Entity can move and chase the Player. The Key will spawn with the Start of the Player and can be picked up anytime to run to the Exit. The Key will no longer despawn.
  • We will add a Start Level before the Backrooms to know how you landed in the Backrooms
  • We will add an “Exit Sign” to Level 1-2 to know where the Exit Opens once all Valves are activated
  • We will add an Note at the beginning from Level 1-2 to know what to do in this Level
  • We will reduce the Camera Shake